23Jun 2018
Sub-Municipal Governance in Europe Decentralization Beyond the Municipal Tier
09:50 - By Carmen Navarro - Publications
New Book by Editors: Hlepas, N.-K., Kersting, N., Kuhlmann, S., Swianiewicz, P., Teles, F. (Eds.)
This book explores sub-municipal units’ (SMU) role in decision making, decentralized institutional innovation, social innovation and, in rural areas, service delivery. Focusing on fourteen European countries, the book examines the impact of political cultures, administrative traditions and local government systems on the functioning of the SMUs. An under-explored topic in the literature, this book provides a comprehensive, comparative European, thematically broad, descriptive book on sub-municipal governance: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783319647241