RC05 - Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics

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09Dec 2014


Invitation to the International Public Administration and Public Policy Scientific Conference

DECENTRALIZATION POLICIES: RESHUFFLING THE SCENE May 7-10, 2015 University of Zagreb Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS), Dubrovnik, Croatia http://www.caas.unizg.hr

Organisation of the Conference • Institute for Public Administration, Croatia In collaboration with and support from • RC 05 Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) • RC 32 Public Policy & Administration of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) • Croatian Political Science Association, Croatia • Faculty of Law, Study Centre for Public Administration and Public Finance, University of Zagreb, Croatia • Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia Conference theme Decentralization Policies: Reshuffling the Scene General aim and topic of the Conference Decentralization policies have been on the agenda in a number of countries for a long time. They include widening local autonomy as well as the scope of local affairs and responsibilities, territorial rescaling, strive for local democracy and accountability, building local capacities and professionalism, new local financial arrangements, building partnerships with regional and central institutions, and the like. Decentralisation is deeply connected with the change of power structure in national contexts. The results can be of win-win, win-lose, but also of lose-lose type. Generally, the beginning of economic crisis in 2008 made decentralisation policies precarious. The power game between political actors has become more dynamic, in some cases even brutal. The conference would like to explore decentralization policies that have been recently undertaken, their realms, components, triggers, short- and long-term effects, and prerequisites of successful decentralisation. Specific themes that will be covered during the conference: • Decentralization policies and processes – values, components, challenges, expectations, effects • Territorial restructuring and reform of functions of local and regional authorities in multi-level governance settings • Decentralisation as democratisation – legitimacy and efficiency • Evaluation of current decentralisation reforms Date and Conference format The conference will last from Thursday, May 7 to Sunday, May 10, 2015 and will be held in the CAAS premises in Dubrovnik It will be organized in the form of plenary sessions and several topical panel sessions Tentative schedule of the Conference is the following: • Thursday – afternoon session – opening of the Conference and the PhD panels • Friday – morning and afternoon sessions • Saturday – morning and afternoon sessions • Sunday – morning session and closing of the Conference Detailed schedule will be sent later. Publication opportunities Selection of presented papers will be submitted for publication in the international scientific journal Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, which is published by the Institute for Public Administration. Important dates - 31 January 2015 – Submission of abstracts to the Organizing Committee - 15 February 2015 – Notification of abstract acceptance - 1 March 2015 – Circulation of Draft Conference Programme - 31 March 2015 – Submission of draft papers - 7-10 May 2015 – Conference in Dubrovnik Venue and accommodation The Conference will be organized at the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS) in Dubrovnik, Croatia (address: Don Frana Bulića 4, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia). CAAS is located in the very heart of Dubrovnik, less then five-minute walk from the Old City. Accommodation for participants is reserved at CAAS residence for the period 7-10 of May 2015 and organizers will cover accommodation costs for the invited paper givers and participants. Web site of CAAS: http://www.caas.unizg.hr/accomodation.html All participants are kindly asked to take necessary steps for their travel arrangements soon after their participation is confirmed by the Organizing Committee. The Dubrovnik Airport has good connections (direct or indirect) with all main European airports. Organising committee - Professor Ivan Koprić, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, ivan.kopric@pravo.hr - Professor Zdravko Petak, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, petakzdravko@gmail.com - Professor Fred Lazin (IPSA RC 5, chair), Ben Gurion University, Israel lazin@bgu.ac.il - Professor Robert Hoppe (IPSA RC 32, chair), University of Twente, Netherlands, r.hoppe@utwente.nl - Assistant Professor Vedran Đulabić, assistant professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, vedran.dulabic@pravo.hr

Additional information For any additional information please contact: Assistant Professor Vedran Đulabić – vedran.dulabic@pravo.hr Dr Jasmina Džinić – jdzinic@pravo.hr

01Jun 2013



Joint PhD-Training School organized by The University of Oslo, the Norwegian Centre in Paris and the COST Action

September 30 to October 02, 2013


Local governments all over Europe are in a period of intense reform activity, not least of all because in some countries they have been the level of government most seriously affected by the still expanding global financial and economic crisis. They are simultaneously faced by a variety of – partly contradictory – reform pressures, often aimed at conflicting reform objectives (e.g. efficiency vs.participation). Against this background, the PhD-Training School is meant to discuss reforms, experiments and changes in local democracy and local public sector institutions. The course is intended to provide training in theories and methods to be applied in the study of local public sector reforms and democracy, especially in comparative perspectives. The training school will focus on democratic reforms and new instruments of citizen participation (e.g. referenda, direct election of mayors). In addition, it concentrates on New Public Management (NPM) reforms that were targeted towards marketization, privatization and ‘corporatization’ as well as the more recent ‘Post-NPM’ reforms, which were often aimed at correcting the shortcomings of earlier NPM measures. Finally it will include the more nationally driven territorial and functional reforms (municipal amalgamations, decentralization) that have been fuelled, in part, by recent austerity measures and the hopes of national policy makers that such reforms will facilitate economies of scale.


Venue: The Norwegian Centre in Paris:
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme,
190, Avenue de France, 75013 Paris
tél. +33 (0)149542216, http://www.paris.uio.no/fr-web/.


  • For more information about the Training School (content/schedule): Professor Harald Baldersheim, the Democracy Programme at UiO: harald.baldersheim@stv.uio.no,
  • For more information about the COST Action `LocRef´: Professor Sabine Kuhlmann, University of Potsdam sabine.kuhlmann@uni-potsdam.de or at http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/isch/Actions/IS1207?


Please submit an abstract that provides a brief outline of your current work (PhD topic/project outline, 300 words max., in English) accompanied by a short CV, electronically by July 31, 2013. To apply for the PhD-grant of the COST Action LocRef, please send your abstract and CV to Sabine Kuhlmann ( sabine.kuhlmann@uni-potsdam.de ) and Christian Schwab ( schwab@foev-speyer.de ) and refer to ‘Phd-Training School Grant’ in the subject line.

Acceptance of participants and grant holders will be notified in August.

16Jan 2013

New book

Sellers, Jefferey M.; Kübler, Daniel; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; and Walks, W. Alan (Eds.). (Forthcoming November 2012). The Political Ecology of the Metropolis: Metropolitan Sources of Electoral Behavior in Eleven Countries. Essex: ECPR Press.

A growing majority of humanity lives in sprawling, interconnected urban regions. Diversified metropolitan geographies have replaced the centuries-old divide between urban and rural areas, and transformed the territorial sources of electoral politics. Affluent and low density suburbs provide powerful bases of support for neoliberal and culturally conservative parties. Urban concentrations have joined poor suburbs as the remaining bastions of a Left under attack. New dimensions of partisan competition have emerged around the material interests and subcultures of distinct metropolitan places. Throughout the developed world and beyond, metropolitan patterns of electoral support and participation have shifted axes of partisan competition to the right, and driven the global spread of neoliberalism.

This volume undertakes the first systematic comparative analysis of these patterns. The analyses draw on data from 13,300 municipalities in 175 metropolitan regions and eleven countries, and multilevel statistical methods. The results support a compelling new thesis to explain many recent shifts in political behavior and public policy: the metropolitanization of politics.

16Jan 2013

Next two conferences

Our next two conferences will take place in the spring and summer of 2013 in the cities of Grenoble (France) and Dubrovnik (Croatia). The first one will be the 1st international conference on Public Policy (June 26-28, 2013) and the second will be about the Europeanization of public administration and policy: sharing values, norms and practices (April 4-7, 2013). Those interested in submitting paper proposals should take into account that the process needs to be done directly through the organizers of each conference (see information in the conference section of this website).

29Aug 2011

Call for papers


RC05 is ready to hold its new conference within the greater umbrella of IPSA's world congress. Our Research committee will have nine panels, all touching different aspects of local government and local politics.


  • Deadline to submit abstract/paper proposals: October 17, 2011
  • Abstract proposers are notified of final results: December 2, 2011
  • Deadline for paper presenters to upload papers: June 1, 2012


  • Inequality and Decentralized Governance
  • Local Government Amalgamation and its Alternatives: Effects on Democracy and Governance
  • Local leadership in the European Union countries – good and bad practices.
  • Reshaping territorial polities: role and functions of local government in a multilevel governance scenario.
  • The provision of public services; from public/municipal to private– and reverse (“re-municipalization“)?
  • Territorial choice, multilevel governance and local democratic accountability
  • The implications for local democratic participation, legitimacy and effectiveness of local government size
  • Mayors in Comparative Perspective
  • Understanding the governance of megacities

Please see more information in the call for papers section of this website.

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